Secret to happiness

Secret to happiness

It was a beautiful morning. Jina the giraffe, looking sad as usual, was walking towards the lake.

Secret to happiness

Jina: Zebras take such beautiful leaps, how easily they run. Look at my walk– it is so odd-looking.

Secret to happiness

Elephant: Everything ok with you? 
Jina: Hmmm…

Secret to happiness

Jina: The elephant has so much fun when she takes water in her trunk and sprays it everywhere. The elephant is so happy. If only I had a trunk

Secret to happiness

Jina: The deer is so beautiful and the antelope has such strong and elegant horns. 

Secret to happiness

Just then Anandi, the crow came and sat on Jina’s head. 
Crow: Kau Kau…bliss, bliss everywhere…

Secret to happiness

Jina: How's that you are so happy? 
Crow: Simple! 'Find happiness in every situation'

Secret to happiness

Going back to the lake Jina saw her reflection in the water and thought they all look so good,I am so strange. 

Secret to happiness

Crow: Jina, what you are feeling is all due to the misery of comparison. You are a giraffe so you’re going to look like one, aren’t you?

Secret to happiness

Crow: Your suffering and sadness will go away if you focus on what you already have instead of what you don’t have.

Secret to happiness

Jina: But I don’t have anything. Everyone else has so much. 
Jina stood there with a sad face.

Secret to happiness

Jina and the crow were deep in conversation when suddenly a lioness came by. Jina was extremely frightened.

Secret to happiness

Lioness: Jina, don’t be scared. Please, I need your help. My cub has climbed up a tree. Will you bring him down?

Secret to happiness

Jina stretched her long neck up and gently brought the cub down from the tree.
Lioness: Thank you Jina!

Secret to happiness

Crow: So much joy in helping! Did you enjoy helping someone, Jina?

Secret to happiness

Jina: It was very nice. Today I have understood how valuable it is to have legs like long sticks and a neck like a stretched piece of chewing gum.

Secret to happiness

Crow: Yes, instead of suffering by comparing ourselves, we should be happy and make the most of what we have.