Selfless Service begins at home

Selfless Service begins at home

Diya, Anjli and Nitya had formed a ‘Service Club’. It’s objective was to serve the orphans and the needy.

Selfless Service begins at home

Diya: Anjli, please send an email to ‘Vishranti Foundation’ and inform them of the donation amount.

Selfless Service begins at home

Diya: Nitya, please write an article detailing the services that our Service Club provides.

Selfless Service begins at home

(At home) Mum:I’ve had fever since afternoon. Will you help cook some oats? Diya: I’m tired.Please ask grandma.

Selfless Service begins at home

Next day.... Grandma: Diya, your mother is still unwell. Can you please get these medicines for her.

Selfless Service begins at home

Diya: Grandma, I have to rush grandma. We have our Service Club’s meeting before school at Nitya’s place.

Selfless Service begins at home

Grandpa: On one hand, you’re working to serve people and on the other hand, you aren’t serving your own mother.

Selfless Service begins at home

Grandpa: Diya!Serving your parents is the greatest religion.Service begins at home and then with everyone else.

Selfless Service begins at home

Diya (leaving in a rush): But today’s meeting is extremely important. It cannot be cancelled.

Selfless Service begins at home

(At Nitya’s house) Anjli: Vishranti Foundation has liked our work. They’re coming to give us a service award.

Selfless Service begins at home

(In school) Principal: Service Club has made the school proud and earned blessings from the poor and orphans.

Selfless Service begins at home

Principal: On behalf of our school, I heartily congratulate them and honor them with this service award

Selfless Service begins at home

Principal: Tomorrow,a newspaper reporter is visiting our school.They’ll publish an article on the Service Club.

Selfless Service begins at home

The following day, Diya was very excited to go to school.Just as she was leaving for school,the telephone rang.

Selfless Service begins at home

Anjli: Diya, I can’t make it to school today. My mother has a high fever and needs to be looked after.

Selfless Service begins at home

Diya: But today the newspaper reporter is coming. How can you miss such an opportunity?

Selfless Service begins at home

Anjli: How can I miss the opportunity of serving my mother Diya? You all are there to share the information.

Selfless Service begins at home

Anjli: My priority is serving my mother rather than having an interview or photo featured in a newspaper.

Selfless Service begins at home

(In school) Reporter: Where is your third friend? Diya: Her mother has fever and hence, she could not come.

Selfless Service begins at home

Reporter: Great! Looking after her mother? An opportunity to show that selfless service begins at home.

Selfless Service begins at home

Reporter: Anjli, daughters like you, who help both their family and the society, are ideals for the society.

Selfless Service begins at home

Diya: I served with an expectation of appreciation from others but Anjli has truly given selfless service.