King Bahubali - Part 1

You must have heard about Lord Rushabhdev. Lord Rushabhdev had hundred sons & two daughters, named Brahmi & Sundari. Lord Rushabhdev ruled as a very noble King for thousands of years. He taught his citizens the art of farming, education & how to handle day-to-day life dealings. After a successful long reign as a King, he renounced everything & took off into the woods in search of real truth & to attain the ultimate goal of liberation (Moksha)!

Except Lord Rushabhdev's two eldest sons, Bharat & Bahubali, the remaining ninety eight sons & his daughter Sundari also joined Lord Rushabhdev in the act of renunciation. Four thousand Kings of smaller kingdoms within with the jurisdiction of Lord Rushabhdev's kingdom also joined in the act of renunciation.

Lord Rushabhdev entrusted the throne to Bharat, his eldest son whereas Bahubali was bestowed with another large territory of the kingdom. Being a Chakravarti (King of all six continents), King Bharat wanted to take over his younger brother Bahubali's kingdom as well & prepared himself for a war with his brother. Bahubali also wanted to show off his strength & immediately accepted King Bharat's challenge.

Both of them were powerful warriors & no one could match their strength. On one side, there was Bharat Chakravarti - Chakravarti means a King who can't be defeated & who wins over all the kingdoms of the world. On the other side, there was Bahubali - one with such immense power in his arms that nobody could compete before him. Just one blow of Bahubali's hand on a person's head would be more than enough to put the person to death instantly.

A war between these two warriors would be so massive that it would put the whole world at danger. Hence, all the celestial deities requested them to wrestle individually without their armies in order to save the lives of their army men. In this type of war, both the warriors would   fight with their own might, without any arms or external help. The winner would be declared as a Chakravarti & would win over all six continents. Both the brothers accepted the request of the celestial deities.

The war began. Various wrestling tactics were exercised. Bahubali defeated his brother in many of these tactics. Finally, to win the war, Bahubali gathered all his strength & raised his fist in anger for the final blow to his brother's head & suddenly……

His inner conscious voiced a beautiful thought, "What am I doing? I am prepared to kill my own elder brother? & for what reason? Just for a kingdom & its luxuries? Bharat is the rightful beneficiary of this kingdom because he is older than me & because our father has chosen to entrust the throne to him. After all, the kingdom & its luxuries are temporary & destructible. My father & ninety eight other brothers have renounced this whole kingdom & its luxuries in the search of real truth & to attain Moksha & I'm prepared to be violent for it? I should be ashamed of myself!"

Thus, realizing the importance of the value of his pure soul & Moksha, all worldly luxuries became insignificant for him. He plucked all his hair with the same fist that he had raised to kill his brother & accepted renunciation before he left for the woods.

Moral: We quarrel with our siblings or friends for petty matters & small things in day-to-day dealings whereas in the true vision of the Lord, permanent happiness is in ultimate liberation (Moksha) & in realizing our pure soul, our true self. In comparison to the happiness of Moksha, there is no value of the happiness from any of the royal luxuries. Therefore, we wish to get liberated & attain Moksha, right?

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