In the month of August, Baby MHT celebrated the festival of Rakhsha Bandhan by preparing a HUGEEEE lotus-shaped Rakhi for Pujya Niruma. The petals of the lotus Rakhi were colored by our very own Baby Mahatmas!
They presented it to Pujya Niruma at Samadhi on the day of Raksha Bandhan and asked for infinite blessings and shakti (strength) by praying "Amne Mokshe Lai Jajo" (Please take us to salvation).
They even enjoyed playing Garba and singing bhakti pads very heartily, "Ambe Mata na Lala ne bandhu Rakhdi re lol……" meaning "I'm tying the knot to the son of Amba Maa", who is none other than our dearest Param Pujya Dadashri.