Unodari Seva Session


The boys and girls of Baby MHT are taught the importance of giving "seva". 

Unodari Seva 4

Unodari Seva 3

The best place to give this understanding of "seva" is Unodari (community kitchen in Simandhar City) where many people from different parts of the world come for meals.

First the children were given the right understanding behind giving "seva" as per Dada and Niruma's vision. Here, they learnt that before starting the seva, they should pray that every person who eats the meal in Unodari will find the path to Moksha. 

Then, they were given a tour around the kitchen area. They saw all the different equipments placed there and what they are used for.  They also saw the huge walk-in coolers where food is stored.

Unodari Seva 1The children then began their seva, shelling the peas, cleaning the vegetables, and cutting the vegetables for salad. They were quite enthusiastic, chatting away, singing devotional songs, and doing their work.

 Unodari Seva 2One member of our Baby MHT, Digant,  single handedly sliced a basket full of beetroot for the salad. The boys and girls enjoyed this seva, and had a nice ending to the session by sharing their snacks with all present.

Many were inspired to give this kind of seva on a regular basis (if not in the kitchen, then at their homes at least).